National Association of Regional Game Councils

The National Association of Regional Game Councils is the largest voluntary organisation in Ireland involved in game shooting and conservation. The Association has 28,000 members in 926 Clubs spread throughout the country – one Club in almost every parish. It has enjoyed an increasing membership year on year for the past ten years with an average increase of 500 per annum. It is also a Seanad Nominating Body. The Association co-ordinates the activities of its members and clubs through a regional structure comprising 28 regions. NARCC also represents the interests of all its members at not only a national level but also at international level.

Since its establishment in 1968, the Association has been instrumental in the development of significant beneficial legislation since that time. Of particular note was The Wildlife Act 1976, The Wildlife (Amendment) Act 2000, The Firearms Non-Residents Act 2000 etc. NARGC has been to the forefront in leading challenges through the Courts against misuse and abuses of Ireland’s environmental and shooting legislation. In all cases to date, the Association has been successful and this has resulted in the development of new and more beneficial legislation.

NARGC receives no grant aid from the State and is funded entirely by subscription from its members. Currently the Association’s members contribute some €22 million to the Irish economy annually. In addition, NARGC members spend almost €1 million per annum at club level on non-shooting conservation projects. The Association also provides a fund-raising scheme for conservation through the Irish Habitat Trust, which it established in 1997.

National Association of Regional Game Councils

Unit 1, O’Connell House Studios
O’Connell House, Mountmellick
R32 DA36 Co Laois

Tel: 057 8624927


Keyphrases: Game Shooting, Conservation, National Association, game clubs

National Association of Regional Game Councils