McCloys Country Attire & Gun Shop
Established in 1970, McCloys has a very good reputation for our knowledgeable and helpful sales team with particular emphasis on customer service and after sales service.
Since moving into our new premises we can now provide more quality stock, more choice, even better facilities for customers being the top priority along with accommodation designed firmly with the customer in mind. Donal has produced the blueprint for one of Ireland’s best ever gun shopping experiences offering the largest selection of guns and shooting accessories in the country.
The new 8,500 square feet premises, ideally located just outside Toome really are something special. From the eye catching logo on the fine entrance gateposts to the heart of the large retail premises, everything exudes quality. The modern hi tech surroundings, plush leather furnishings echo the very best bespoke gun shops of London brought right up to date with the futuristic décor.
The largest display in the country just got bigger. They range from reasonably priced rifles and shotguns to the ones that you might dream about. Everywhere are Berettas, Brownings, Mirokus, Bettinsolis, Famars, Perazzis, Benellis and Zolis. Why there’s even a Purdey or two lurking among the stock along with other English guns. New models are there in abundance of course but there are some fine deals to be had with the pre owned guns as well.

Telephone: 028 7965 0641
Address: 10 Creagh Rd, Toomebridge, Antrim BT41 3SE
Opening Hours:
Monday closed
Tuesday 9.00am – 5.00 pm
Wednesday 9.00am – 5.00pm
Thursday 9.00am – 8.30pm
Friday 9.00am – 5.00pm
Saturday 9.00am – 5.00pm
Keyphrases: Country Clothing, Firearms, Ammunication, Gun Shop