The VIRTUAL GAME FAIR Stick Carving Championship is OPEN FOR ENTRIES NOW.
Organised under the auspices of the Celtic Stickmakers Association, Sponsored by the Virtual Game Fair and Coch-y-Bonddu Books ( and Judged by Paul Daunt ( UK)
There are two classes in the competition:
- Carved stick with painted head
- Carved Stick unpainted (natural wood)
The overall winner will receive a Crystal Trophy to keep, while the winner in each category will receive an engraved hip flask and a choice of sporting books. Runners-up will receive a choice of sporting books. Photographs of the winning sticks will be published in the Irish Country Sports and Country Life magazine and on THE VIRTUAL GAME FAIR pages.
To Enter
Send two photographs of the stick – one front view and one side view to together with your details and a brief description of the stick(s) entered.
Entry is free and the closing date for receipt of photographs is 14 January 2021.